Zoning Updates
Thank you for visiting. The jurisdictions listed above are in the process of updating their Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. You can find information on the following pages for each of the jurisdictions. All documents are draft documents. Public hearings with the Joint Planning Commission and the governing body will need to take place prior to adoption of these regulations.
Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Development Plan is a vision presented in text, graphics and tables representing the desires of the County or Community and its residents for the future. The plan is intended as an informational and management tool for leaders to use when considering future developments
Zoning Regulations

The purpose of a Zoning Regulation is to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the jurisdiction.
Subdivision Regulations

The purpose of Subdivision Regulations is to provide for the orderly development in the jurisdiction. These regulations will provide conditions favorable for the health, safety and convenience of the community, in accordance with applicable State Statutes.